We are excited to jump into our next iteration of our Racism is Real Dialogue series in 2024 with Co-Director & Trainer, Bethany Stewart (she/her) and Trainer, Thulani Conrad Moore (he/him)
To wrap up Black History Month, Bethany and Thulani engaged in an intergenerational conversation on "What is Blackness?" They offered a Sankofa moment on the importance of knowing the past to shape the future. This dialogue took place on February 29, 2024 on Facebook Live. Click "read more" to view the recording.
Our November Racism is Real dialogue is an opportunity to get to know our new Co-Directors, Bethany Stewart and Courtney Anika. A conversation between two Black femmes imagining a world that centers equity and belonging.
Click "read more" to access the recording. Celebrate our New Co-Directors and help us meet our $10,000 fundraising goal to deepen our roots: https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTk2MzY3 Our December Racism is Real conversation was facilitated by ROJ Trainers Kyle Sullivan and Drick Boyd
Join us for: - embodied practices that help increase capacity to deal with the discomfort of embodied white supremacy - a more comprehensive understanding of how racism impacts and harms white folks ability to be fully human from the individual to the systemic. - practical tools to be with and heal the ways racism impacts their internal and embodied system for the purpose of partnering with the oppressed to dismantle all forms of supremacy in the collective. Click on Read More to access the recording. Our September conversation built upon our April dialogue, which provided a brief history of the Doctrine of Discovery; described the impact on Indigenous and African people- past and present, and explored ways we can come together for our collective healing.
This September Racism is Real conversation offered two sacred spaces/breakout groups for BIPOC and White people to reflect on the topic and their experiences. The BIPOC caucus featured ROJ trainer Thulani Conrad Moore with Dr. Kyle Mays and Dr. Edward Valandra. The White caucus featured ROJ trainers Rev. Lorie Hershey, Dr. Drick Boyd, and Rick Derksen. This event took place on Sunday, September 17 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET on Zoom (not on Facebook Live). Participants joined their group's caucus after (re)watching the April conversation. This event was not recorded in order to protect the sacred space. Our participants: Edward C Valandra, Ph.D., is Sicangu Titunwan, born and raised on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation. His research focuses on the national revitalization of the Oceti Sakowin Oyate (People of the Seven Fires, commonly called the D/L/Nakota people) and the development of Native Studies. Dr. Valandra is the founder and Research Fellow for the Community for the Advancement of Native Studies (CANS), a Native-government-chartered, research-based, reservation-rooted organization. Kyle T. Mays (he/his) is an Assistant Professor of African American Studies, American Indian Studies, and History at UCLA. He is the author of Hip Hop Beats, Indigenous Rhymes: Modernity and Hip Hop in Indigenous North America (SUNY Press, 2018). His most recent book is An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States (Beacon Press) which argues that African enslavement and Indigenous dispossession have been central to the founding of the United States, and explores how Black and Indigenous peoples have resisted U.S. democracy from the founding of the U.S. to the present. ROJ Trainer bios are available here. Check out these books by our panelists! Colorizing Restorative Justice: Voicing Our Realities (2020, Living Justice Press) - edited by Dr. Valandra, with essays featured by Rev. Michelle, Erica, and other women of color: https://livingjusticepress.org/product/colorizing-restorative-justice-2/ An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States (2021, Beacon Press) by Dr. Kyle Mays (affiliate link) https://bookshop.org/p/books/an-afro-indigenous-history-of-the-united-states-kyle-t-mays/16258852?aid=83165&ean=9780807011683&listref=roots-of-justice-collective-recommends Facebook Live conversation with members of the ROJ Collective and friends
Monday, June 19 4:30-5:30pm PT (7:30-8:30pm ET) This Racism is Real conversation will be led by ROJ Trainer Bethany Stewart with Rev. Brooke A. Scott. This is a free event, and we ask you to support our work with a $10-20 donation to continue to make important conversations like this one possible. Please give here. Join us on Facebook live: facebook.com/RootsOfJusticeInc Click on "read more" to watch the recording. Facebook Live conversation with members of the ROJ Collective and friends
Thursday, May 25 4-5:30pm PT (7-8:30pm ET) This Racism is Real conversation will be led by ROJ Trainer Thulani Conrad Moore and features panelists Bethany Stewart, Dr. Calenthia Dowdy and Dr. Nathan Pederson. This was a free event, and we ask you to support our work with a $10-20 donation to continue to make important conversations like this one possible. Please give here. Join us on Facebook live: facebook.com/RootsOfJusticeInc Click on "read more" to watch the recording. Facebook Live conversation with members of the ROJ Collective and friends
Wednesday, April 12 4-5:30pm PT (7-8:30pm ET) The conversation provided a brief history of the Doctrine of Discovery; described the impact on Indigenous and African people- past and present, and explored ways we can come together for our collective healing. This Racism is Real conversation was led by ROJ Trainer & Accountability Council member Rev. Michelle Armster and featured panelists: Dr. Edward Valandra, Dr. Kyle Mays, and Erica Littlewolf. While this was a free event, we ask you to support our work with a $10-20 donation to continue to make important conversations like this one possible. Please give here. Join us on Facebook live: facebook.com/RootsOfJusticeInc Click on "read more" to watch the recording. This Racism is Real dialogue specifically for People of the Global Majority (BIPOC) took place on Monday, Mar. 20 on Zoom.
It was led by Chantelle Todman with panelists: Sue Park Hur, Kris Henderson, Erica Littlewolf, and Ajulu Olok. This key text helped to frame the conversation: Racial Trauma is Real. It was a powerful conversation - thank you to all who participated and offered their perspectives. And stay tuned for when we schedule another time for BIPOC caucus on Zoom. The recording is available for BIPOC/People of the Global Majority. Register here to receive a link to the recording. Facebook Live conversation with members of the ROJ Collective and friends
Friday, Feb. 17 7-8PM ET / 4-5PM PT Join Thulani Conrad Moore (ROJ trainer), Dr. Tobin Miller Shearer (ROJ co-founder and former trainer - pre-recorded segment), Dr. Monica Smith (ROJ Accountability Council), and Dr. Drick Boyd (apprentice trainer) for a conversation on the true motives behind the fight against Critical Race Theory - an attempt to erase White history. For too many years school students have had romantic story time masquerading as history class. The fight against CRT is only making it worse. What is needed--now more than ever--is a common analysis and diagnosis of racism and White supremacy. While this is a free event, we ask you to support our work with a $10-20 donation to continue to make important conversations like this one possible. Please give here. Join us on Facebook live: facebook.com/RootsOfJusticeInc Click on "read more" to watch the recording. Facebook Live Conversation with ROJ Trainers: Wednesday, Dec. 14: 7-8PM ET / 4-5PM PT The "elder" Black women of the ROJ Collective will close out the year reflecting on what they have learned on 20+ years of their antiracism journeys--the highs, lows, their bodies, antiblackness in academia, the pastorate, restorative justice work, in leadership, and practices that have led to self-care and healing. This is a free event and we invite you to support our work with a $10-20 donation to continue to make important conversations like this one possible. Please give here. Join us on Facebook live: facebook.com/RootsOfJusticeInc Click on "read more" to watch the recording |
AuthorRoots of Justice trainers and friends share reflections on historical and current events Archives
November 2024