So, if you haven’t heard, Justine Sacco, (now formerly) public relations for an internet company that owns a number of websites including The Daily Beast, offered this tweet just before boarding a plane from London to Cape Town, South Africa: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” Over the next several hours, the tweet went viral, spawning the hashtag #HasJustineLandedYet.
Perhaps you have seen the video – Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly responds to a Slate column in which Aisha Harris writes about the cognitive dissonance she experienced as a child, when the images of Santa in her home were black, but all the Santas out there in the world were white. Harris proposes a new imaging of Santa that children of all races and ethnicities could get with – a penguin. Now, we know that when people begin to mess with “tradition,” folks begin to lose their collective minds. Kelly goes on a rant and brings others in to chime in and support her outrage. Just because it makes you uncomfortable, she says, you can’t mess with tradition. Kids, Santa is white. And by the way, Jesus is too. It’s a historical fact. It’s verifiable.
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